【立即確認】 2024年第10屆宮中文化節門票 *無限次訪問首爾五大宮殿的通票★宮PASS (T-money卡)
<Palace Pass Usage Notice:> 1. When exchanging tickets, you must present your reservation voucher and passport (or foreign ID). Reservation confirmation emails will not be accepted. 2. By purchasing a ticket, you agree to the performance guidelines. These guidelines may be updated or changed based on the event circumstances. Please review the guidelines before the event to avoid any inconvenience. K-Royal Culture Festival 10th anniversary 2024(10th) K-Royal Palaces PASS Exchange Ticket (T-money Card) *Unlimited Access During Period Royal Culture Festival *Korea Palace Gung Pass Discover Korea’s Royal Heritage with the Ultimate Palace Pass! 1. Enjoy unlimited access to the five major palaces (Gyeongbokgung, Changdeokgung, Deoksugung, Changgyeonggung, Gyeonghuigung) and Jongmyo Shrine (excluding Changdeokgung Secret Garden). 2. Experience the enchantment of Gyeongbokgung Palace with exclusive one-time night entry! 3. Use the pass as a T-money card for seamless travel on Seoul’s subways and buses, with 3,000 KRW preloaded. 4. Step into the world of your favorite K-dramas by visiting these iconic  palace sites. 5. Essential for the K-Royal Culture Festival in October 2024, the grandest traditional event in Korea. 6. Collect this limited edition card adorned with captivating Korean designs. Detailed Introduction of K-Royal Palaces PASS The K-Royal Palaces PASS allows unlimited special access to the 5 major palaces in Seoul (Gyeongbokgung, Changdeokgung, Deoksugung, Changgyeonggung, Gyeonghuigung) and Jongmyo Shrine during the K-Royal Culture Festival in Fall 2024 (for 5 days). (Excludes Changdeokgung Secret Garden). The pass also includes a one-time night opening admission to Gyeongbokgung Palace, giving you a chance to experience the palaces vividly portrayed in K-dramas. Enjoy various programs like performances and experiences showcasing the new charms and historical value of the K-palaces using the K-Royal Palaces PASS. Additionally, the pass includes a 3,000 KRW credit for use on buses and subways, and can be used at various locations where T-money cards are accepted, such as convenience stores. Prepare your K-Royal Palaces PASS in advance to make your upcoming fall trip to Seoul more enriching and fulfilling. Basic Information about the K-Royal Palaces PASS - Usage Period: October 9 (Wed) - October 13 (Sun), 2024 (5 days) - Available Locations: The 5 major palaces (Gyeongbokgung, Changdeokgung, Deoksugung, Changgyeonggung, Gyeonghuigung), Jongmyo Shrine Contents Included in the K-Royal Palaces PASS 1. Unlimited entry to the 5 major palaces (Gyeongbokgung, Changdeokgung, Deoksugung, Changgyeonggung, Gyeonghuigung) and Jongmyo Shrine. 2. One-time admission to Gyeongbokgung Palace night opening:    - Available once during October 10 (Thu) - October 13 (Sun).    - On October 9 (Wed), night opening is available only for those wearing Hanbok due to the K-Royal Culture Festival special event.    - The "Gyeongbokgung Palace Night Opening Ticket" will be provided along with the K-Royal Palaces PASS (physical ticket).    - Submit the "Gyeongbokgung Palace Night Opening Ticket" at the entrance of Heungnyemun Gate. 3. A must-have for traveling in Korea! T-money card with 3,000 KRW credit:    - The K-Royal Palaces PASS functions as a T-money card usable on all subways and buses in Seoul.    - Includes 3,000 KRW credit.    - T-money card purchase cost (2,500 KRW) + 3,000 KRW credit.    - T-money usage guide (ENG): [T-money Guide](https://pay.tmoney.co.kr/ncs/pct/ugd/ReadFrgnGd.dev) 4. Discounts on cultural products and traditional Korean cuisine:    - 10% discount at "Sarang" cafe in the palaces and Incheon Airport!    - Discount period: October 9 - October 13, 2024.    - Show your K-Royal Palaces PASS on site. ("Korea House" requires advance reservation).    - Cafe "Sarang": [Sarang Cafe](https://kchfstore.or.kr)    - "Korea House": [Korea House](https://www.kh.or.kr/kh/eng) Value of the K-Royal Palaces PASS 14,500 KRW / 5 major palaces entrance fee 9,000 KRW + transportation card 2,500 KRW + 3,000 KRW credit)  K-Royal Palaces PASS Collection Information - October 9 (Wed) - October 13 (Sun), 2024, from 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM. - The K-Royal Palaces PASS cannot be collected outside these hours.    Collection Items - One K-Royal Palaces PASS - One Gyeongbokgung Night Opening Ticket    Collection Location for the K-Royal Palaces PASS - Location: Comprehensive Information Center of the K-Royal Culture Festival at Gyeongbokgung Palace (next to Gyeongbokgung ticket office). - Address: 161 Sajik-ro, Jongno-gu, Seoul (Subway Line 3, Gyeongbokgung Station, Exit 5). - Present the reservation holder's ID (passport) and reservation confirmation (or QR code) at the location below. - The reservation confirmation should include the reservation number, reservation holder's name, and quantity. ▲ Images from the spring 2024 K-Royal Culture Festival. How to Use the K-Royal Palaces PASS - Entry Method: Just show the K-Royal Palaces PASS. - Unlimited entry for 5 days from October 9 (Wed) to October 13 (Sun), 2024. - Some events, like performances, require separate reservations. - Event information will be updated on the official website (www.chf.or.kr/fest/en/).   Major Events at the K-Royal Culture Festival The K-Royal Culture Festival provides a special opportunity for foreigners visiting Korea to participate in elegant and interesting historical and cultural programs, promoting Korean cultural heritage and cultural capacity internationally. Information on event times and pre-registration can be found on the official website one week before the festival starts (www.chf.or.kr). (Schedules are subject to change).         [Experience] (Gyeongbokgung) 10th Anniversary of K-Royal Culture Festival “Hanbok Royal Banquet (Yeonhyang)” (Oct. 9 / Gyeongbokgung Palace / 19:00-21:00) A special day at Gyeongbokgung Palace! Enjoy the celebrations of the festival’s 10th anniversary in the dress code: Hanbok. Gyeongbokgung Palace Hanbok Yeonhyang is complete with the beauty of Hanbok in the evening at the palace. [Experience] (Gyeongbokgung) Gyeongbokgung Palace Royal Tailor (Sangeuiwon) (Oct. 9-13 / 10:00-17:00) The Joseon royal tailor, Sangeuiwon of Gyeongbokgung Palace, returns! Learn about the history of traditional attire through needlework experiences with Korea’s certified intangible heritage artisans, beautiful exhibitions, and unique reenactments. [Exhibition] (Gyeongbokgung) Beautiful Hanbok Photo Exhibition (Oct. 9-13 / 10:00-17:00) See Hanbok photos taken at the five major palaces and Jongmyo Shrine at Gyeongbokgung Palace's Gyeojodang Hall! Enjoy 50 award-winning Hanbok photos from the photo contest. [Exhibition] (Changgyeonggung) Changgyeonggung Moonlight Lotus Show (Oct. 9-13 / 19:00-21:00) Experience media art in the palace that blends light, the palace’s natural scenery, and cutting-edge visual technology. Enjoy the beautiful scenery of Changgyeonggung's Chundangji Pond harmonized with water and light. [Performance] (Changgyeonggung) (Palace Concert) Classical Meets Traditional Music (Oct. 9-12, 13:00, 16:00) Experience a special crossover performance at Tongmyeongjeon Hall, the queen's bed chamber and venue for Joseon Dynasty court banquets. We invite you to a K-concert where traditional Korean music (pungryu), classical music, and traditional dance crossover at Netflix’s “Kingdom” film location, Tongmyeongjeon Hall. [Experience] (Online) Genre Painting for All (Sep. 13-Oct. 27) Create your own digital character in beautiful Korean palaces. Likened to the genre painting style of the painter Kim Hong-do of Joseon Dynasty, the 2024 Genre Painting for All lets you create and show off unique characters! (Access page: pungsokdo.com) For more information on the K-Royal Culture Festival, visit the official website. * Official Website (ENG): [K-Royal Culture Festival](https://www.kh.or.kr/fest/en)   K-Royal Palaces PASS Cancellation and Refund Policy - Free cancellations are available until 11:59 PM on October 7 (Mon), 2024. - After the free cancellation period, no changes or refunds will be possible. Important Notes for Visiting the Five Palaces - All areas within the palaces are non-smoking zones. - Food, flammable materials, and recreational equipment are restricted in heritage protection zones. - The pass cannot be collected after the operating period ends. - There are two designs of the pass, which will be distributed randomly based on stock availability. - Detailed information about the pass can be found on the official website: [Royal Culture Festival Official Website](https://www.chf.or.kr/fest/en/)
87 56HKD

仁川(中區) ,
永宗島經由永宗大橋與陸地連結,另外透過填海工程與龍遊島、三木島合而為一。島位在距仁川沿岸碼頭西北方三公里處,遠看那窗外寬廣的沙灘與海景,亦或是繞著4.42km的海岸線奔跑,都能成為旅行中特別不同的舒適感受。抵達永宗島第一眼所及的就是充滿濃濃島嶼風情的魚市場,可以在魚市購買當天於附近海域捕撈的比目魚、石斑、螃蟹、海蔘、海鞘等新鮮海產,並現場做成生魚片品嘗。 永宗島上有著位在寂靜森林中的雅致龍宮寺,以及非常適合散步的白雲山。這裡的學生海洋探究學習場於1984年開幕營運至今,還可欣賞經過數千數萬年波浪拍打侵蝕所形成的海岸峭壁與洞窟,而白雲山頂上則可清楚眺望東北亞最大的交通樞紐機場-仁川國際機場。

始興wave park
京畿道(始興市) ,
位於京畿道始興市龜島的始興 WAVEPARK不僅是亞洲首個,還是全球最大的人工衝浪公園。這個現代化的海洋旅遊休閒綜合設施每小時能夠制造高達1千次的浪,為初學者到專家級衝浪者提供了源源不斷的衝浪樂趣。它巧妙地結合了都市的便捷與健康的海洋運動生活方式,讓遊客在繁忙的城市生活中也能輕鬆地體驗到水上運動的快感。 MIOCOSTA區域,擁有異國情調的海灘概念,是公園內最受歡迎的部分。這裡為孩子們提供專業的衝浪課程,還有一個特別設計的池子供遊客體驗水下摩托車。WAVE ZONE、SURF POOL、遊戲池、兒童池、和TURTLE POOL確保了家庭的每位成員,無論大人還是小孩,都能享受到水上的歡樂。 Photo / 寫真 / 照片(instagram) @wavepark__ Photo / 寫真 / 照片(instagram) @wavepark__   冒險愛好者還能在直徑25米、水深5米的藍洞珊瑚池中進行潛水體驗和潛水運動。在潛水活動結束後,遊客可以在島嶼式的溫泉SPA中放鬆身心,享受按摩和美容療程,為身體帶來舒適的恢複。 無論您是衝浪高手,還是初嘗試者,或是只想與家人在水中玩耍的遊客,始興 WAVEPARK都將為您提供一個難忘的體驗。  

首爾(麻浦區) ,

釜山廣域市(江西區) ,
以前的燈塔是由辦公室、住所、燈塔組成的複合建築,正中央樹立著9.2m的燈塔,由紅色的壁磚和美鬆點綴,出入口天井雕刻著當時像徵皇室的李子花模樣的花紋,用鐵皮做成的屋頂上塗著防鏽的瀝青。加德島位於韓半島的東南端,是東邊沙下區多大浦、西南巨濟島東北海域、北部環太平洋的關隘,與東北亞樞紐港灣釜山港新港臨近,距離鎮海市龍院洞4km,巨濟島10km。  自古以來,加德島被視為海上運輸和軍事要塞,在朝鮮王朝中宗39年(1544年),在這裡設立加德鎮和天城鎮。壬辰倭亂時,這裡曾發生過激烈的戰鬥。作為進出鎮海灣的要衝——加德島燈塔是在大韓帝國末期1909年12月修建的,燈塔建築具有西歐建築風格。2003年9月,這裡被指定為釜山市有形文化財第50號,並被海洋水產部指定為永久保存設施。燈塔於2002年進行重建,建成燈塔高40.5m,成八角形,是韓國高度第二位的燈塔。 * 最初點燈日 – 1909年12月 * 構造 – 白八角混凝土構造(40m) * 同質 – 閃白燈,12秒一次(FlW12s) * 特徵 – 位於洛東江河口處,自朝鮮時代起,便開始燃烽火,引導過往船只。這裡還運營者燈塔體驗學校,可以了解到煙台峰等古代歷史。

康津夜之夢(강진 나이트 드림)
全羅南道(康津郡) ,
