
始於2007年的“首爾文化藝術探訪活動”是首爾文化財團組織進行的,一項服務於廣大市民的文化活動。 首爾文化藝術探訪活動每年從4月持續到10月,在每月的第二週和第四週的週四到週六,探訪首爾各地多樣的文化遺產、旅遊名勝,以進一步了解首爾,感受到傳統和現代文明交織的文化魅力。 參加者要在出發日上午10點30分在市廳前的廣場集合,乘坐首爾文化財團提供的公交車開始探訪之旅。整個活動由關於美術、戲劇、文學、建築、設計等各種主題的活動組成,週四上午出發的探訪比較適合家庭主婦們利用閒暇時時間參加。週末的特別安排更適合全家出遊或戀人們約會。探訪參加方法:通過首爾文化財團主頁或電話申請報名,參加免費。   通過首爾文化藝術探訪活動,既可以遊覽首爾各處的文化藝術名勝,又可探知隱藏在浮華背後的深層的文化價值,發現那些平淡卻令人驚豔的美麗之處。



首爾() , 首爾東部

▲ 2022 KIMHYUNJOONG CONCERT Offline performances and online live streaming services will be held at the same time. Kim Hyun-Joong's 3rd regular album 'MY SUN' deals with the story of what 'lights me up', which he has been thinking about while enduring the difficult Corona era, and is a tribute and simple confession to his family, friends, and fans. to be. This performance was planned to express his sincerity contained in all the songs in his 3rd regular album through the stage. Singer Kim Hyun-joong, who has returned with a regular album, will hold a domestic concert at YES24 LIVEHALL. This concert can be viewed both online and offline, and you can enjoy all the songs from Kim Hyunjoong’s 3rd regular album 'MY SUN'. *Performance name : 2023 Kim Hyun Joong Concert *Performance date : March 4th, 2023 (Sat) 7pm *Venue : YES24 LIVE Hall Contents of performance open notice ※Cancellation policy: non-refundable   ​ 16:00  Pick up at Myeongdong Station(Subway Line 4) Exit 3(※ Follow the instructions of the field guide to avoid damaging others. Please be sure to keep your boarding time and assembly time.) ▶▷HERE(Google Map)!        16:50  Arrival 17:00  Entering the concert hall 18:00  Enjoy ' 2023 KIM HYUN-JOONG CONCERT' 21:30  Return Shttle bus point(※Attention : If not take bus on time, bus will leave directly!!) 22:30  Myeongdong Station(Subway Line 4) Exit 3 Seats: 1st Floor (seats with a good view of the stage) ※ Please be sure to board in time, as damage will occur to others after the departure time. Please arrive at 20 minutes in advance.   Notice * Advance tickets for foreigners will be collected at the ticketing counter You need to bring your ID card (passport, alien registration card, copy of passport + at least one ID card issued by your country) Please bring it with you. If there is no such document, ticket exchange is not possible.              ※ If you lost or damaged your ticket, it is your fault. The ticket will not be reissued and you cannot enter the concert without a ticket. ※ The concert will be broadcast live, so many cameras will be there. Because of cameras, your view could be blocked.  ※ After the concert starts, you could be not permitted to enter. ※ For safety and security, any food and drink except water will be prohibited in the concert venue.  ※ If you disrupt others’ view with a tripod or a large camera, you could be restricted by the staff. ​※ Please be sure to board in time, as damage will occur to others after the departure time. Please arrive at 15 minutes in advance. ※ Vehicles are offered for 12, 25, or 45 passengers depending on the number of passengers. ※ When you make a reservation, please leave a contact form to be able to contact you locally. ※On-site first-come-first-served basis (no designated seats) ※Check your voucher and ID before boarding the vehicle. (Mobile, printed voucher available) ※ Be sure to present your voucher. You cannot present reservation mail. ★This ticket is to be sold as a set and no item will be sold seperately. ★No cancellation & amendment after booking confirmed​ ※ If you book a ticket illegally or if you are a Korean, your booking will be automatically cancelled and you cannot get refund on your ticket fare. ※본 티켓은 외국인 전용 예매 티켓입니다. 여권 또는 외국인등록증을 통해 본인 확인 후 티켓이 발권됩니다.(한국인 티켓 수령불가) ※부정 예매나 해당 대상이 아닌 경우(내국인), 예매는 강제 취소되며, 환불 또한 불가능합니다. ※Cancellation policy: non-refundable   ​ ※Emergency contact number : +82-10-6787-1516      

Sold Out
江原道(束草市) , 江陵

位於江原道束草市的本暱客雅山和海大浦港酒店的全體客房均為海景房,還能觀賞像屏風般的雪嶽山,景觀秀麗,從遠處看來外觀像在雪嶽山上漂浮著一艘船。位於雪嶽山入口週邊,是一家擁有舒適如家的客房、雅靜時尚氛圍的大堂的高品格酒店。Sky Lounge與咖啡館給予客戶更多可以享受的空間,在此能夠留下更加美麗的大浦港的回憶。真誠邀請您來到在最完美的舒適與極致魅力的環境留下美好回憶的本暱客雅山和海大浦港酒店。






錦南路最早是政府機關聚集而形成的官廳街,如今則發展為銀行、保險公司、官公署等大樓林立之處,成了光州的中樞。每當紀念518民主活動時,市民們也會齊聚於此,以告慰光州的魂靈,化當年的痛苦為推動民主與國家的力量。而隨著地下商街的落成,噴水池下方的會面廣場也自然而然演變為各種小型表演的舞臺,是備受市民喜愛的休息空間。 * 長2.3㎞、寬30~40m


京畿道(高陽市) , 一山


濟州道(西歸浦市) , 旧济州
