
* 被稱為鐵甕城的山城,金伊山城 * 金伊山城建造在位於全義面正北方30里處的金城山(海拔高度424公尺)山頂上,往下看北邊是全義、天安方面,南邊是錦江一帶。其建造形式是典型的百濟山城,山頂上還有部分統一新羅初期樣式的城牆,而從。金伊山城的城牆週長約714m,利用陡峭的地形建造得非常堅固,故又名鐵城或金城,《三國史紀》裡的「金峴城」就是指金伊城。 * 金伊山城的構造和出土文物 * 金伊山城東部已經坍塌破損的相當嚴重,西城牆和北城牆的保存狀態也很差,只剩南部城牆保存還算完好。憑藉著遺留的城牆,西門,北門和東門的門址尚可以確認,而南門門址雖也已大體確認,但被崩塌的石材所掩埋。 另外,山城西北端的眺望樓上出土了部分陶器片,山城中心建築物內亦有瓦片出土。陶器片為醬缸,碗和鉢等硬質、軟質陶器的殘缺碎片;瓦片上則有褐灰色的魚骨紋。




臨津江發源自江原道以北,為北韓領土的平康、伊川郡地區,江水越過休戰線,流經漣川郡、坡州,最後流入西海岸。臨津江也是提起南北韓分裂之痛時,首先被想到的江。 臨津江江釣主要盛行於漣川的郡南橋與臨津橋一帶。臨津橋在4月穀雨(24節氣之一,農曆4月20日)前後,以「釣竹篙頭(魚名,又名重唇魚,學名Hemibarbus labeo)」馳名。 而郡南橋一帶水源豐富,在水流湍急之處盛行以捲線器釣魚。在此以釣竿釣魚時,由於用浮標判別魚是否上鈎十分困難,需注意釣竿尾端的變化,且以蛆做為魚餌較佳。




位於江原道鐵原郡葛末邑的<三釜淵瀑布>高20公尺,一年四季不曾乾涸的水流與周圍外貌其特的岩石,形成充滿神秘感的景緻。瀑布水流落下處有三個斷層,酷似古時韓國人煮飯使用的鐵鍋為其特徵。 過去傳說有龍在此處升天,因此附近有著被稱做<龍化洞>的村落。周圍餐廳、商店等便利設施不多,環境整潔乾淨。瀑布1公里內有座<狐狸谷>村,傳說過去有位男子的結婚對象竟然是狐妖,被男子父親發現後一箭射死了狐狸。若來到三釜淵,不妨繞道<狐狸谷>遊覽。



首爾(鍾路區) , 仁寺洞・鍾路

<Palace Pass Usage Notice:> 1. When exchanging tickets, you must present your reservation voucher and passport (or foreign ID). Reservation confirmation emails will not be accepted. 2. By purchasing a ticket, you agree to the performance guidelines. These guidelines may be updated or changed based on the event circumstances. Please review the guidelines before the event to avoid any inconvenience. K-Royal Culture Festival 10th anniversary 2024(10th) K-Royal Palaces PASS Exchange Ticket (T-money Card) *Unlimited Access During Period Royal Culture Festival *Korea Palace Gung Pass Discover Korea’s Royal Heritage with the Ultimate Palace Pass! 1. Enjoy unlimited access to the five major palaces (Gyeongbokgung, Changdeokgung, Deoksugung, Changgyeonggung, Gyeonghuigung) and Jongmyo Shrine (excluding Changdeokgung Secret Garden). 2. Experience the enchantment of Gyeongbokgung Palace with exclusive one-time night entry! 3. Use the pass as a T-money card for seamless travel on Seoul’s subways and buses, with 3,000 KRW preloaded. 4. Step into the world of your favorite K-dramas by visiting these iconic  palace sites. 5. Essential for the K-Royal Culture Festival in October 2024, the grandest traditional event in Korea. 6. Collect this limited edition card adorned with captivating Korean designs. Detailed Introduction of K-Royal Palaces PASS The K-Royal Palaces PASS allows unlimited special access to the 5 major palaces in Seoul (Gyeongbokgung, Changdeokgung, Deoksugung, Changgyeonggung, Gyeonghuigung) and Jongmyo Shrine during the K-Royal Culture Festival in Fall 2024 (for 5 days). (Excludes Changdeokgung Secret Garden). The pass also includes a one-time night opening admission to Gyeongbokgung Palace, giving you a chance to experience the palaces vividly portrayed in K-dramas. Enjoy various programs like performances and experiences showcasing the new charms and historical value of the K-palaces using the K-Royal Palaces PASS. Additionally, the pass includes a 3,000 KRW credit for use on buses and subways, and can be used at various locations where T-money cards are accepted, such as convenience stores. Prepare your K-Royal Palaces PASS in advance to make your upcoming fall trip to Seoul more enriching and fulfilling. Basic Information about the K-Royal Palaces PASS - Usage Period: October 9 (Wed) - October 13 (Sun), 2024 (5 days) - Available Locations: The 5 major palaces (Gyeongbokgung, Changdeokgung, Deoksugung, Changgyeonggung, Gyeonghuigung), Jongmyo Shrine Contents Included in the K-Royal Palaces PASS 1. Unlimited entry to the 5 major palaces (Gyeongbokgung, Changdeokgung, Deoksugung, Changgyeonggung, Gyeonghuigung) and Jongmyo Shrine. 2. One-time admission to Gyeongbokgung Palace night opening:    - Available once during October 10 (Thu) - October 13 (Sun).    - On October 9 (Wed), night opening is available only for those wearing Hanbok due to the K-Royal Culture Festival special event.    - The "Gyeongbokgung Palace Night Opening Ticket" will be provided along with the K-Royal Palaces PASS (physical ticket).    - Submit the "Gyeongbokgung Palace Night Opening Ticket" at the entrance of Heungnyemun Gate. 3. A must-have for traveling in Korea! T-money card with 3,000 KRW credit:    - The K-Royal Palaces PASS functions as a T-money card usable on all subways and buses in Seoul.    - Includes 3,000 KRW credit.    - T-money card purchase cost (2,500 KRW) + 3,000 KRW credit.    - T-money usage guide (ENG): [T-money Guide](https://pay.tmoney.co.kr/ncs/pct/ugd/ReadFrgnGd.dev) 4. Discounts on cultural products and traditional Korean cuisine:    - 10% discount at "Sarang" cafe in the palaces and Incheon Airport!    - Discount period: October 9 - October 13, 2024.    - Show your K-Royal Palaces PASS on site. ("Korea House" requires advance reservation).    - Cafe "Sarang": [Sarang Cafe](https://kchfstore.or.kr)    - "Korea House": [Korea House](https://www.kh.or.kr/kh/eng) Value of the K-Royal Palaces PASS 14,500 KRW / 5 major palaces entrance fee 9,000 KRW + transportation card 2,500 KRW + 3,000 KRW credit)  K-Royal Palaces PASS Collection Information - October 9 (Wed) - October 13 (Sun), 2024, from 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM. - The K-Royal Palaces PASS cannot be collected outside these hours.    Collection Items - One K-Royal Palaces PASS - One Gyeongbokgung Night Opening Ticket    Collection Location for the K-Royal Palaces PASS - Location: Comprehensive Information Center of the K-Royal Culture Festival at Gyeongbokgung Palace (next to Gyeongbokgung ticket office). - Address: 161 Sajik-ro, Jongno-gu, Seoul (Subway Line 3, Gyeongbokgung Station, Exit 5). - Present the reservation holder's ID (passport) and reservation confirmation (or QR code) at the location below. - The reservation confirmation should include the reservation number, reservation holder's name, and quantity. ▲ Images from the spring 2024 K-Royal Culture Festival. How to Use the K-Royal Palaces PASS - Entry Method: Just show the K-Royal Palaces PASS. - Unlimited entry for 5 days from October 9 (Wed) to October 13 (Sun), 2024. - Some events, like performances, require separate reservations. - Event information will be updated on the official website (www.chf.or.kr/fest/en/).   Major Events at the K-Royal Culture Festival The K-Royal Culture Festival provides a special opportunity for foreigners visiting Korea to participate in elegant and interesting historical and cultural programs, promoting Korean cultural heritage and cultural capacity internationally. Information on event times and pre-registration can be found on the official website one week before the festival starts (www.chf.or.kr). (Schedules are subject to change).         [Experience] (Gyeongbokgung) 10th Anniversary of K-Royal Culture Festival “Hanbok Royal Banquet (Yeonhyang)” (Oct. 9 / Gyeongbokgung Palace / 19:00-21:00) A special day at Gyeongbokgung Palace! Enjoy the celebrations of the festival’s 10th anniversary in the dress code: Hanbok. Gyeongbokgung Palace Hanbok Yeonhyang is complete with the beauty of Hanbok in the evening at the palace. [Experience] (Gyeongbokgung) Gyeongbokgung Palace Royal Tailor (Sangeuiwon) (Oct. 9-13 / 10:00-17:00) The Joseon royal tailor, Sangeuiwon of Gyeongbokgung Palace, returns! Learn about the history of traditional attire through needlework experiences with Korea’s certified intangible heritage artisans, beautiful exhibitions, and unique reenactments. [Exhibition] (Gyeongbokgung) Beautiful Hanbok Photo Exhibition (Oct. 9-13 / 10:00-17:00) See Hanbok photos taken at the five major palaces and Jongmyo Shrine at Gyeongbokgung Palace's Gyeojodang Hall! Enjoy 50 award-winning Hanbok photos from the photo contest. [Exhibition] (Changgyeonggung) Changgyeonggung Moonlight Lotus Show (Oct. 9-13 / 19:00-21:00) Experience media art in the palace that blends light, the palace’s natural scenery, and cutting-edge visual technology. Enjoy the beautiful scenery of Changgyeonggung's Chundangji Pond harmonized with water and light. [Performance] (Changgyeonggung) (Palace Concert) Classical Meets Traditional Music (Oct. 9-12, 13:00, 16:00) Experience a special crossover performance at Tongmyeongjeon Hall, the queen's bed chamber and venue for Joseon Dynasty court banquets. We invite you to a K-concert where traditional Korean music (pungryu), classical music, and traditional dance crossover at Netflix’s “Kingdom” film location, Tongmyeongjeon Hall. [Experience] (Online) Genre Painting for All (Sep. 13-Oct. 27) Create your own digital character in beautiful Korean palaces. Likened to the genre painting style of the painter Kim Hong-do of Joseon Dynasty, the 2024 Genre Painting for All lets you create and show off unique characters! (Access page: pungsokdo.com) For more information on the K-Royal Culture Festival, visit the official website. * Official Website (ENG): [K-Royal Culture Festival](https://www.kh.or.kr/fest/en)   K-Royal Palaces PASS Cancellation and Refund Policy - Free cancellations are available until 11:59 PM on October 7 (Mon), 2024. - After the free cancellation period, no changes or refunds will be possible. Important Notes for Visiting the Five Palaces - All areas within the palaces are non-smoking zones. - Food, flammable materials, and recreational equipment are restricted in heritage protection zones. - The pass cannot be collected after the operating period ends. - There are two designs of the pass, which will be distributed randomly based on stock availability. - Detailed information about the pass can be found on the official website: [Royal Culture Festival Official Website](https://www.chf.or.kr/fest/en/)


位於京畿道廣州的廣州昆池岩陶瓷公園所在腹地大多為舊石器時代的遺址,這裡也是朝鮮時代時王室們製作白瓷的官窯所在。廣州昆池岩陶瓷公園佔地共有20多萬坪,包括雕刻公園、陶瓷購物中心、複合文化廳、表演場、舊石器時代體驗庭院、中央湖水廣場等,是男女老少都能體驗與玩樂的體驗型複合文化空間。 在京畿道陶瓷博物管中展出韓國陶瓷器自誕生到現在的遺物與作品,在以公共藝術打造的馬賽克公園則不定時舉辦各類活動,如飲食、戶外休閒主題等社團表演或活動等,是滿足文化、藝術、教育、休閒娛樂的複合體驗文化園區。  

江原道(平昌郡) , 三陟