
首爾(中區) ,
由京鄉新聞、C Channel、Agape文化財團、白石藝術大學主辦,首爾特別市與韓國觀光公社贊助的「2016首爾聖誕慶典」,於2016年12月12日(一)至2017年1月1日(日)為止,以清溪廣場為中心盛大舉行。今年慶典邁入第2屆,用華麗的燈飾打造成的聖誕主題公園、故事照相專區等,將清溪川一帶長達1.5公里的區間妝點得美輪美奐。此外,也準備了用愛傳遞溫暖的活動,幫助需要關懷的群體,讓大家攜手度過溫馨的歲末年終。


京畿道(安山市) ,

首爾365時裝秀是首爾市民與首爾市共同打造的生活型時裝秀。 活動期間將會有各種走T台活動在首爾各處進行。首爾市民成為模特每個月舉行精彩時裝秀的活力四射城市——首爾! 此次活動旨在打造出不是專屬於專家們的,而是市民們親自制作、參與、可以享受的,文化相融的複合型文化藝術時裝秀。 首爾365時裝秀活動年間會提供給100名以上的年輕人成為職業模特的機會,也是在為青年們創造工作崗位做出貢獻。 首爾365時裝秀還會選拔專屬模特,提供專門的教育訓練機會,也會提供各種工作機會。  

首爾(九老區) ,
為了訪韓的外國旅客,韓國文化體育觀光部與韓國觀光公社「2018平昌韓國流行音樂盛典」活動,預計將於9月8日(四)晚間7點在首爾高尺天空巨蛋舉行。活動當天的K-pop演唱會請到SHINee、BEAST、Wonder Girls、少年共和國等韓流明星帶來精彩表演,另外在現場還準備了特別舞臺表演、韓劇體驗區、照片牆與贈獎活動等各種多彩多姿的活動。於活動期間訪韓的外國旅客,可事先於「2018平昌韓國流行音樂盛典」活動網站免費申請入場交換券,詳細參加方法與諮詢可參考活動官方網站內容。

由文化財廳與韓國文化財保護財團共同主辦,宗廟大祭奉行委員會(宗廟祭禮保存會、宗廟祭禮樂保存會)主管的宗廟大祭,固定於每年5月舉行。韓國重要無形文化財第56號的宗廟大祭是在被列入UNESCO世界文化遺產的宗廟內舉行的國家祭典,也是可同時欣賞無形與有形文化財的罕見重要傳統儀禮,舉辦宗廟大祭當天,宗廟免費開放,不需預約即可入內參觀。宗廟大祭為供奉朝鮮王朝君王與王妃牌位並進行祭祀的儀式,過去朝鮮時代一年會舉行五次祭典(春夏秋冬及12月),日據時期曾一度中斷,直至1969年起才在奉行委員會的掌管下重新於每年5月的第一個週日舉辦祭禮。宗廟內的正殿供奉著朝鮮王朝歷代德高望重的君王與王妃之牌位,而永寧殿內則供奉著死後獲追封的君王與王妃之牌位,正殿月臺下的功臣堂內則供奉著自開國以來對歷代君王有功的臣子之牌位。* 2015年宗廟大祭時間表日期: 5月3日(日)地點: 宗廟 (御駕出行由景福宮至宗廟)日程:1. 御駕出行 11:00~12:002. 永寧殿祭享 13:00~15:003. 正殿‧功臣堂祭享 16:30~19:00※遇雨照常舉行※諮詢: +82-2-765-2124

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2023 DREAM CONCERT in JAPAN Get ready for the ultimate K-POP experience! Korea's premier K-POP festival, "DREAM CONCERT," is making its grand overseas debut on June 18th at Saitama Super Arena in Japan.  With the heartwarming theme "Hello, My Friends!", the "2023 DREAM CONCERT in JAPAN" aims to unite Korean and Japanese music enthusiasts in a celebration of friendship and harmony through the power of K-POP. This groundbreaking event will feature two spectacular performances in one day, showcasing an incredible lineup of top K-POP artists, including JYJ's Jaejoong (J-JUN), Junsu (JU), Kim Jae Hwan, AB6IX, Dreamcatcher, KINGDOM, AIMERS, Hi-Fi Un!corn, CLASS:y, ILY:1, JO1 (part 1 performance only), INI (part 2 performance only), and DXTEEN (part 2 performance only). Hosted by BTOB's Yook Sungjae, KINGDOM's Hwon, and IZ*ONE's Yabuki Nako, this is an event you won't want to miss! Date: June 18, 2023 (Sunday) [Part 1 Performance] Doors Open 11:30 / Show Starts 12:30 [Part 2 Performance] Doors Open 17:00 / Show Starts 18:00 Location: Saitama Super Arena(Japan) If you're planning a visit to Japan, don't miss this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to experience the best of K-POP! Join us at "2023 DREAM CONCERT in JAPAN" and make unforgettable memories with fellow K-POP fans from around the world. Book your tickets now and let the music bring us all together!  1st Line-up ※ The guests are subject to change. ≪MC≫ YOOK SUNGJAE(BTOB | 육성재 | 陸星材), HWON(훤, フォン), Nako Yabuki(야부키 나코, 矢吹奈子|Nako Yabuki) ≪Artist≫ KIM JAE JOONG(김재중|ジェジュン|J-JUN), KIM JUNSU(김준수 | ジュンス | XIA)​, KINGDOM(킹덤), Dreamcatcher(드림캐쳐), ILY:1(아일리원), AIMERS(에이머스), Hi-Fi Un!corn(하이파이 유니콘), JO1(제이오원 | ジェイオーワン 1部公演only / 1nd performance only / 僅第 1 場演出)​, INI(아이엔아이 | アイエヌアイ 1部公演only / 1nd performance only / 僅第 1 場演出), KIM JAEHWAN(김재환), AB6IX(에이비식스)​, CLASS:y(클라씨)​, DXTEEN(2部公演only / 2nd performance only / 僅第 2 場演出) ※Lineup Subject to change / ※ 出演者は変更になる可能性がございます。予めご了承ください。/ ※ 根據主辦方或出演ARTIST的情況,演出時間可能發生變更。 / ※ 根據主辦方或出演ARTIST的情況,演出時間可能發生變更。    Experience the ultimate K-POP sensation at the epic "DREAM CONCERT," making its grand overseas debut on June 18th at Saitama Super Arena. Join legendary artists and rising stars for a breathtaking showcase you won't want to miss. Secure your spot and be part of this unforgettable event!   [Ticket booth exclusively for foreign visitors] 【Ticket Pickup Time: Part 1 Performance - 10:00~12:30 Part 2 Performance - 16:00~18:00】 Ticket Pickup place Location:  In front of STARBUCKS COFFEE on the 1st floor of Keyaki Hiroba (Keyaki Square)  / Starbucks Coffee - Saitama Shintoshin Look for the designated logos from each ticket sales site on X-banners at the location. Check Trippose.com HERE (Google Map)! Please make sure to exchange your tickets at the designated foreign visitors' ticket booth. ※ Any changes will be announced in advance. ★ Please note that once payment is made, cancellations are not allowed. ★ Cancellations after reservation confirmation will incur a 100% cancellation fee. No refunds will be issued, so please be cautious. Your reservation voucher and ID will be checked. (Mobile or printed vouchers are acceptable) ※ Please present your reservation voucher. Email confirmation of reservation alone is not sufficient. ※ Be sure to bring your passport on the day of the event. Date: June 18, 2023 (Sunday) 【1st Show】 Entrance 11:30 / Performance begins 12:30 【2nd Show】 Entrance 17:00 / Performance begins 18:00 Location: Saitama Super Arena(Japan)                     Notice ※ For foreign ticket holders, please ensure to bring a valid ID (passport, alien registration card, or a passport copy along with an ID card issued in your country) to the ticket counter on-site to receive your pre-purchased ticket. ※ Performance times and artists are subject to change due to organizer or performer circumstances. ※ Cancellations after reservation confirmation will incur a 100% cancellation fee. No refunds will be issued, so please be cautious. ※ Delays may occur due to performance duration and traffic congestion. ※ Performance details are subject to change without notice due to local conditions. ※ All attendees must bring their original passport on the day of the event. (Korean residents in Japan must present their passport and alien registration certificate) ※ Seating will be determined randomly by the organizer on the day of the event. Seat selection in advance is not available. ※ Bringing food and beverages into the venue is prohibited. (Water is allowed) ※ Bag inspections may be conducted before entering the venue. ※ Neither our company nor the organizer will be held responsible for any lost or stolen tickets after they have been received. (No reissuance of tickets) ※ Performance times and artists may change without prior notice due to various circumstances. ※ Refunds will not be issued for personal health issues or customer convenience, except in the case of performance cancellation. ※ Admission and performance start times are subject to change. ※ Seating will be determined on the day of the event. Please note that seat selection in advance is not possible. ※ If a minor applies, it is assumed that parental consent has been obtained at the time of reservation. ※ This event will be held in strict compliance with COVID-19 prevention measures, following guidelines from the venue and local authorities. ※ The schedule may be altered due to the spread of COVID-19, requests, or guidance from the government, local authorities, and related organizations. ※Cancellation policy: non-refundable   ​ ※Emergency contact number: +82-10-7359-3255(Contact available on the day of the performance only / 仅在演出当天可联系 / 公演当日のみ連絡可能)

江原道(華川郡) ,

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蔚山艮絕岬是朝鮮半島太陽最早升起之處,也是每年年底到隔年元旦舉辦新年迎日節的主要地點,總吸引許多遊客前來。 慶典於迎新年的前一天傍晚,以日落文化活動揭開序幕,接下來是送年演唱會、煙火秀、新年祝賀公演、吃新年年糕湯等迎日活動,並進行各種多彩多姿的附屬活動與特別活動。此外,在呈半球型的「星光體驗館」還能觀賞華麗的銀河與星座,而館內介紹艮絕岬與蔚山的3D影片,又能帶給遊客另一種不同的樂趣。